If you are unsure about whether or not you are a good enough swimmer to become a lifeguard, this is the perfect course for you. In this course, you will be provided with in depth explanations on each swim test, the best swimming strategies with the highest success rates, trainings and mock test to gauge your swimming ability, and walkthrough videos demonstrating needed skills. If you follow along and practice, you will pass EASILY! (Everything you need to know)

300 Yard Lap Swim

Learn the best strategy to not get tired, establish a swimming rhythm, and how to reduce the overall swimming distance by 33%.

2 Minute Tread (No Hands)

Learn how to naturally float in a seated treading position, giving your legs a much easier workload. Also, find out the best kicking technique that is comfortable and easy to perform.

Timed Event: Brick Dive

Learn how to approach and locate the brick in the most efficient way, how to sink to the bottom and grab the brick quickly and effortlessly. Also, learn how to support the brick while swimming on your back to the finish line.